Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Here I go..Wheeee!

After a lot of deliberation for about 7.3 seconds, I decided that I would name my blog 'Anuja talks to herself'. The best part was that 7.3 seconds ago, I hadn't even decided that I want to blog. Still not too sure about it. But since it is a good day for all new beginnings, (Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to everyone!), I'm jumping right in.
Now if you conjure up images of introspection or deep thought when you hear 'talking to oneself', stop right there. I'm being pretty literal here. I actually talk to myself. OUT LOUD. And I'm also pretty democratic when it comes to locations. This monologue with myself happens in all places. Trains, office, my kitchen, my bedroom, and even when I'm walking on the road. That explains the strange looks that I get almost everyday  when I laugh at something that I say myself (My apologies for coming across as a lonely loony).
Now I'm no Dumbledore and I have no access to a wand or a Pensieve (I'm still pissed at the world for not getting my Hogwarts letter), and the thought of writing a diary gives me images of pink girly books with a lock and baby pink key. And that activates by gag reflex, so no, thanks.

Then I thought to myself, out loud again..'Why dafuq am I paying for all this Internet if I have to entertain myself?' So this is my own way of using my super fast broadband connection. As a dump yard for all my extra thoughts that had no outlet other than my mutterings and occasional chuckles. An online non-pink diary if you will. I don't know how far this will go, if I will abort this after the first post and go back to my split personality monologues or Ill continue this till my hair turns grey..something that I dread will happen in the next few years :P

Writing this blog is antithetical to my most fundamental need and wish of keeping my thoughts and feelings *sniff* to myself. I also run the risk of having to talk about my very utterly yawn-worthy mundane life. Something that I loathe from the deepest innards of my body.

I'm still undecided whether I want anybody to read this or this space should be all my own, an online diary for my rants. But then again, in the ginormous universal scheme of things, how does it even matter?
So this is my journal, with no lock and key. (Yayy for the interwebz!!). Let's see where it goes.
For now, ranting is my birthright, and I shall have it. *Chuckles to herself*